This story takes place between October and November of 1985 in New York City. The storyline is based off of a group of masked adventurers who have retired due to a new law which banns superheros fighting crime. As someone attempts to eliminate the ex-adventureres, Rorschach, an adventurer who dose not abide by the new law, decides to investigate. after the comedian (Edward Blake) is pushed out of his top story window, the situation got more serious.
Jon, a nuclear enhanced man, had become known as Dr. Manhatten and was the U.S.'s only defence against WWIII with Russia and Germany. Jon teleported to Mars when he was accused of killing his loved ones and came back to attempt to stop Mr. Veidt from destroying half of New York. He was not succesful but decided that he must not reveal that Veidt was behind the entire thing for the good of the world.
I greatly enjoyed reading this book. The many storylines all running through the book at the same time made it interesting. While one character was in a particular situation, another was in a completely different situation in a completely different place. One of the most exiteing climaxes was when the police catch and unmask Rorschach and send him to jail. this revealed to the other characters as well as the reader who he really was. I believe that the author created this book to make people who don't enjoy reading want to read more. That's what this book has done for me.
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