By: Stephenie Meyers
Summary: New Moon, the sequel to Twilight, written by Stephenie Meyers, pulls readers into the mystical, fairy-tale life of Isabel Swan. Bella, as the book refers to her, last left off in her perfect relationship with Edward Cullen. She has discovered Edwards secret and is still completely in love with him. While Bella becomes closer to Edward, she becomes more distant from her friends and leaves them behind. Little to her knowledge, she will soon be the one left behind. Unexpectedly, her prince abandons her, despite his promise to never leave. He has dropped her cold, without the slightest hint something is wrong. Bella then secludes herself from the rest of the world. She tries to forget, but can't seem to escape her memories of him. When her best friend, Jacob Black, tries to remove her pain, she is only reminded of Edward, his voice, his face, everything about him. Their relationship seems to be fading, but she has not found Jacob's secret quite yet. Upon her discovery, she reunites with an old friend, but who? Will she forget all about Edward or will he keep his promise to her?
Review: The main themes running throughout the book were love, trust, and hope. Bella relates to the typical American teenager. Relationships develop throughout high school, and sometimes they don't quite work out, but the couple seems inseperable. It takes hope and trust to give a broken relationship a second try. This story is credible to an extent. It takes the reader to a perfect relationship, which is ended, leaving Bella crushed. The only uncredible feature is Edward's secret, he is a vampire. I loved how the author wrote the book. She leaves you suspended, wondering what will happen next. It is a complete pager-turner, you will not be able to put it down. After reading the second book, I was anxious to start the third right away. I would give this book a 10 out of 10. This book takes you to the life of an American teenage girl, with a slight twist of course!
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